Having realized that the use of AA batteries in the 99c store purchased touchlights used in their 2011 street installations was terribly wasteful, paperJAM decided to reduce the environmental impact of their project, while still providing light fun to the public. They replaced the halogen bulbs that come in the lights with LEDs (which are much more energy efficient - by about 1500%!) and rewired each light so they can be powered by electricity - by either plugging them into the wall or (most ideally) to solar panels - either way they use a minimal amount of power.
paperJAM presented their first installation of TOUCH (off the grid) - the solar powered version of their touchlight project at FIGMENT NYC on Governor's Island, June 2012. The piece consisted of a large wall of touch lights inside a tunnel at Fort Jay plus a smaller satellite installation of lights inside an awesome Treehouse which was designed and built by Benjamin Jones and Sean P Krause on the island for the festival and the summer long sculpture garden.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid), installation view, FIGMENT NYC, 2012.
photo Rebecca Kinsey.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid), installation view, FIGMENT NYC, 2012.
photo Rebecca Kinsey.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid), installation view, FIGMENT NYC, 2012.
photo Rebecca Kinsey.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid), installation view, FIGMENT NYC, 2012.
photo Rebecca Kinsey.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid), installation view, FIGMENT NYC, 2012.
photos Rebecca Kinsey.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid), installation view, FIGMENT NYC, 2012.
photo Rebecca Kinsey.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid), installation view, FIGMENT NYC, 2012.
photo Rebecca Kinsey.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid), installation view, FIGMENT NYC, 2012.
photos Rebecca Kinsey.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid), installation view, FIGMENT NYC, 2012.
photo Rebecca Kinsey.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid) – x marks the spot, satellite installation in the Treehouse, FIGMENT NYC, 2012. photo Rebecca Kinsey.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid) – x marks the spot, satellite installation in the Treehouse, FIGMENT NYC, 2012. photos Rebecca Kinsey.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid) – x marks the spot, satellite installation in the Treehouse, FIGMENT NYC, 2012. photo Rebecca Kinsey.
paperJAM, Touch (off the grid), installation view, FIGMENT NYC, 2012.
photo Rebecca Kinsey.
This project could not have been realized without the assisitance of funding received through our Kickstarter campaign. We are extremely grateful to all those who contributed, thank you.